Sunday, July 24, 2011

Sport Team Funny Photos

are you the waiter here? where's I'd ordered steak and additional beer?

I'll taking this to the goal.. wait this is not soccer? isn't it?

wade: you folks doesn't look pump up.. wanna hear a joke?

Kobe : he told me I've gonna have the ring like mine..
Lebron : just laugh as much as you can now..
I told you soon you'll be surprise...

ohhh I see they all Lakers fan here.. and they hate you Lebron..

so we will make a star out of our legs.. and someone will dance in the middle

do I look the liberty?

I come in peace people..I'm not a terrorist sir..

Wade: so Bosh told me.. hey can I join you in Miami with Lebron?
I said sorry we want Melo instead.. unless you cut your dreadlocks hair..

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